Sailor Skeletor
Sailor Moon x Masters of the Universe
Completed in 2023
Mashing up unlikely friends Sailor Moon & Masters of the Universe, Sailor Skeletor is the culmination of 4 years of planning, learning, and construction. I adapted existing patterns from Cosmic Coterie and constructed the costume from peau de soie and dupioni from Yaya Han. The props, including the staff and mask, were made in collaboration with creative technologist Thea Flowers, who created them using advanced 3d printing techniques with traditional resin casting. This costume won Dragon*Con’s “Best Prop” in the Friday Night Costuming Contest.
Read the full write up here.
Photo by @dalgproductions. Taken at Dragon*Con 2023.
Photo by @dalgproductions. Taken at Dragon*Con 2023.
Dragon*Con 2024 Friday Night Costuming Track. Photo by Dragon*Con.
Detail shot of bow, using Yaya Han Fantasy Dupioni fabric and patterns from Cosmic Coterie. Gem was resin cast and crossbones were 3D printed by Stargirl Flowers.